Well, it's a full week after thanksgiving, and my sisters and I decided it was a great time to celebrate it, happens all the time. We went over to Alex's place and proceeded to cook a beautiful 12 course meal, including: mushroom caps (yum), edename (yum), spinach supreme, potato... things, guacamole, chips, as well as the main course, Hot Dogs. It was pretty classy.
So was the Rock Band we played after, with Middle Sister singing in an operatic voice to Billy Idol, Korn and Pat Benetar. And all of us stroking out trying to play Tool, on the easy setting... My hair was all for the 80's rock band. I was told it was Very Rick James... Bitch! I really should have looked in the mirror before we left the house, or at least accepted the offered toque from Big Sister, who was apparently trying to be polite.
The day didn't start off this amazing, I woke up with a headache, which always sucks and doesn't happen very often. So, thinking to fix it all, I took an Advil liquid gel... and felt really sick, it started when I burped and my throat tasted as I imagine biting into a battery might taste... I'm pretty sure I could have jumped someone's car had they needed it! So I went an had a nap until I felt better, which wasn't until 2:30pm, a little later than I usually like to get up.
The poor Wizard had two wisdom teeth removed this afternoon, which means he was be out of it for the day (you may have noticed the bizarre facebook posts). He decided to take the opportunity of having time off to learn more spells and magic... We mugged Little Alex for his Xbox 360, and the game The Elder Scrolls - Oblivion. Can't wait to see what he learns, should be amazing. He got an early start on it actually, as it was 4am this morning when he turned it off. What an eager beaver! Oh, something amazing happened on the way to the dentist, I was eating a wrap from the Pink Cherry when, ZING, I bit into a piece of the foil that was wrapped around it, it took a little work, but I found the evil tinny culprit!!!!
Anyways, new day today! I opted for the toque, it makes my life easier.
Little Sister
Hair Control: +1
Urges to play Rock Band: +10
Zinging teeth: +2
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