Saturday, October 17, 2009

This morning I started the day off right: Bollywood Music Videos, the colours always get me pumped! Whooo! The Wiz made me a London Fog too, but it was more of a London, Ontario Fog, as there was only Hazelnut flavoring in the house.
Then I looked in the mirror, yep, still have my hair... You know the movie Ghost, and how Whoopi's character could channel spirits, well, I can channel dead hairstyles, without even trying, it just happens, has my whole life. But maybe that happens when you're raised by mangey cats... My hair would make Don King proud, if you look too hard you may get hypnotized, or even turned to stone. It also has a mind of it's own, it's like breast implant, if you turn in a direction it doesn't want to, it will just stay where it was. It defies gravity. You know how some people seem to have a black cloud following them around, I have a tornado, constantly whipping my hair around (and not in a good way...). I do have a great hair dresser, and she can make my hair do what she wants, but she's a professional and must have magic powers like the Wizard!!
After picking up Middle sister, we went to start packing and moving my stuff (where did it all come from??? Must be the Wizards). I had my hair up in a pony tail, with a headband. If anyone reading this watched the X-Men cartoon as children, my hair looked like Gambits, yep.
Moving went well, Middle sis did a shotty job on our bathroom, don't tell her, but I'll have to go redo it...... After we dropped the stuff off at the Big Steel Box, we proceeded to go to Big Sisters house, we brought her pizza, and Oatmeal cookies (her favorite!)...... Probably not the greatest for our supposed diet... Oh well, I don't need to worry about my weight... You know the Goldie Locks story, first one too hard, second one too soft, third one just right? That's me, except it's first and second too soft, third one too hard...... Zing!
That's enough for today!

Little Sister

Pull up: 2
Hair control: -10
kittens to snuggle: 3

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