well, I get scared. Not all the time, but quiet a bit. I was thinking about this the other night when I was walking home from school. (I have a math course that starts at 6pm and ends at 8pm, Lovely) I feel safe when I'm in the school, but as soon as I start approaching the door, I start to imagine what's waiting for me out there....monsters, kidnappers, perverts. All terrifying. Any sort of noise or movement I instantly start thinking of the worst case scenarios: "Oh my god, the tree moved...."I know there is a kidnapper hiding up there and he has been waiting since this morning to get me when I came back for math....I know IT!!!! He has been stalking me, he jumped the train in Kamloops just to get me, he found me on face book!!!" I'm not sure why I think those things, but I do. I can't even imagine thinking to myself "hey, that might be a stupid little chipmunk doing his thang, no need to be scared...." My mind instantly goes to the worst case. And I'm not even sure that is the worst case, I'm certain there are worse. Maybe my mind goes to the most un-realist thing possible. Who knows. Even when I'm walking down the brightly lit up sub-division, not a forest in sight, I automatically start thinking I have a cougar stalking me, I convince myself I can smell it...."hey, I smell something weird.....it's a man eating cougar...and he is after ME!" Or, if I smell garbage, I think there is a bear around me. Pathetic.....Aliens Zombies, you name it, Im scared of them. I sometimes can't even look out the window at night cause I have yet again convinced myself there is an alien looking back at me, and I can't get out of bed cause there is an evil clown under my waiting to grab my ankle and then I would fall into the closet where I would fall into the poltergeist world and be trapped for eternity. A big chain reaction. Terrifying. Unimaginable. Childish. Yes!!
I did do some big girl things. Like fail my english Essay. Typical and not surprised. Essays are the work of the devil.
I went for a big jog with my friend on Sunday. It was fun. And every day since then I have been planning on going for a run, excited about it, but it never happens. I think Friday is the one day it will work. oops!!
Also, our only male kitten gets neutered tomorrow!!! Poor little guy. (maybe then he will stop biting everyone.)
Anyways, Another day another adventure. -Big Sister.
Cat balls: -2
Essays to re-write: +4 (UGH!)
Run in with a zombies, cougar, kidnapper, bear, or evil being: 0
I thin we all have those crazy irrational fear even me and I'm a 25 year old male. The aliens particularly...
ReplyDeleteEssays are very confusing...If you go to Craigslist you might be able to find somebody in India to do it for you.;)
Poor kitty.