Yah, some might say I'm being rash or harsh, or whatever, but until you have walked a day in my shoes, How about keeping your opinions to your self for now, because like most women after a break-up, I am bitter. It's hilarious to look back sometimes and go over the relationship in our heads....Thinking about all the little "everythings", all the supposed "moments" we had, maybe some of our "blunders" and "mistakes". I find it unbelievable how stupid we are to certain behaviors and habits of others. I look back, and almost choke my self disgust. What was I thinking??? I can tell you what I was thinking......ok maybe I can't. I was so focused on making a relationship work, compromising this that and the other that I actually blinded myself!!! (Some may disagree, but this is my blog) I am no stranger to messed up relationships, and my last one was no different than the others, it might even be more messed up cause I was sober for almost 99% of it....I have nothing to blame but myself. And here's the best part, I would not change a thing!!! Im not looking to go thank the guy for allowing me to have this life altering experience that smarted my lame ass up (hey, thanks man for this shit, my stress level, migraines and more violent stomach problems thank you...) but I am going to go forward in my life with what I learned and kick life in the ass. Im not going to settle for a half ass relationship!! I want the whole kit-and-caboodle!! I want it all. I want unconditional love, not "Unconditional" love with "Conditions"....I want someone who thinks I look pretty when I wake up, I want someone who can run a washing machine with out the help from me over the phone, I want a man who enjoys my kids.....(and I'm not looking for a baby-daddy either, cause the kids have a dad thank-you) To some this might be a tall order, but hey, you're probably not the man or women of my dreams anyway.....But to some, this seems like common sense, and that is what I want. I give my all, I am ready able and willing.......*ahem*....was ready willing and able, for now my little heart is on strike. Its angry like a crazed Guns'n'Roses fan at a cancelled concert, its pissed and drunk on old milwaukee!!! (and may-haps has a mullet) It's tired of the bull shit, and it ain't gonna take it anymore. Time to take a vacation of sorts....a vacation with my sisters, kids, family, and friends. Screw boys, cause for now, They stink!!!!
Thank you to all my friends and family for putting up with all my bullshit, Without you these times would be dull and depressing, its so nice to have you in my life, to look back and laugh, Laugh out loud, with my Third eye, wide open, Being in the now, Just being here now.....Thank you!!!
Song of the day - Fuck the Police by N.W.A
Food of the Day - Angry "Razor blade" Tim Horton's Sandwich
Bitch of the day - The lady at The Movie Store
WOW Tiff! I'm impressed! Have fun while we are gone and kick life in the balls! thank YOU!
I'm impressed as well!!! You're awesome. And a beautiful person and mother (You should definitely give yourself lots of credit there- your kids are cool!!). Anyone who doesn't appreciate you and your kids will be getting a beating from yours truly. So there. Love you Tiff, good attitude, moving forward is all you can do... and never sell yourself short! (Yea, gotta try that myself one of these days!).
ReplyDeleteTa ta for now!
A. P.
Life is a crazy Carnival Ride sometimes and also a romantic Carousel Ride.
ReplyDeleteYour choice, whenever you're ready for it. And you are allowed to change your mind on the ride part -way -through and take a leap off....or on.
Throw your arms wide up in the air and spin and dance; be yourself.
And "wash that fella out of your hair"!!! Also any other disagreeable thing.
You only deserve the best. Truly. Your goals are attainable and you are magnetizing them right now. That's the universe working for you. You are right (paraphrasing) --never settle for less! And you Should have it all. You can and you will. You deserve love, your soul mate, a man who is capable; a real man (not a poser). You have the right to dream and help each other to your highest good. With "no" game playing. And you should be able to laugh and play at the same time. Not a tall order either. You have the right to a rich, loving, effulgent life--day to day; one day at a time.
You have such beautiful children; you are a fantastic mother, sister, friend, person. It shows--it really does.
Please never feel alone in all of this for you'd be surprised at just how synchronistic all of our experiences are. Of course our experiences are our own, however Like attracts Like, Mirror Imaging happens and it's all to help each other carry each other through!
I'm here. Nearby. Cheers.
I love that post Tiffany.... don't sell yourself short and don't settle. I hope you have an amazing 2010... enjoy, grow and live life to the fullest.
Hey Tiff, I just read your post, bravo!!!!!