Well for Halloween we got to be in the Hucul Printing ad for the Friday AM flyer!! (Little sister works there so you can say we have a foot in the door.) We all got together during the week at Hucul and with a few pictures and lots of laughs. Alex Salazar took the picture and did all the work to it. (Not that we needed much work) But we think he did an amazing job and we think it really turned out well. Everyone has a hard time telling us apart and who is who, which is weird cause we think it's pretty obvious...anyways. Thanks to Hucul Printing for the opportunity and thanks to Alex Salazar for all the work he put into making us look so awesome!!! You can find other ads that Hucul Printing has put out on Facebook, just search Hucul Printing Ltd and you can see the other ads!! (All the ads are hilarious and original!! Not your average print shop!!)
Best Print shop: Hucul Printing!!
Best Designer at Hucul: Alex Salazar
Mention of Hucul Printing: Lots!!! (shamelessly!!)
That is a sweet pic!