Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Plan

So our story begins with a little conversation about dying (just a regular occurrence) a bit of fear, and a hint of love.
Not wanting to be alone when we die, we talked about getting a family plot, Great! The idea was we could all be buried together, crisis averted. Nope! Someone had to be difficult, and wanted her ashes spread somewhere rather than to rot in a coffin, in a forgotten cemetery, or lost in someone's attic.
Now the choice of where: not too far, not too close, not on water, not in town... very picky.
One of us suggested that we make The Three Sisters in Canmore, our home for Eternity.
It seemed fitting, since there are three of them and three of us...
So...... following in the foot steps of Nancy Drew, we're going to check that shit out! Hopefully, curiosity does not kill these cats!
August 2010, we will be climbing The Three Sisters, along with our Wizard and Paparazzo. We will be documenting the whole thing, our trials and tribulations, our ups and downs, our ins and outs, our fad diets and bad training (while the Wizard is not watching), and our everyday life.
So the story begins...
Pull-ups: Big Sister - 0, Middle Sister -1, Little Sister - 2

Wizard Says: "Pull, you fools!!!!"
Paparazzo Says: "Pose, you fools!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Hey lovelys! Cool blog... Such a great idea for such amazing sisters! Now I know what's going on even though I'm not there any more! Keep it up!
